57 per cent of graduates would vote to remain in the EU, says new poll
And 14 per cent support leaving
Politicians continue to elide the significance of the youth vote. Sure, there has been a cursory talk on campuses here, an odd soundbite there – but these happen very much in the intermission between the main events: posturing and civil war. Politicians do not prioritise young voters.
But Vote Remain is missing out: according to a new poll, released today, 57 per cent of graduates would vote to remain in the European Union. Just 14 per cent would vote to leave – though a quarter stated they lacked the information they needed to make a decision. This quarter is also, therefore, up for grabs.
Prospects, a graduate careers advice service, asked 453 graduates how they intended to vote. 41 per cent of those graduates said that leaving the EU would have a ‘negative’ impact on their career. One in 10 said leaving the EU wouldn’t make a difference.