Caroline Lucas for The Tab: Why young people need to register to vote today
‘There’s every chance that this decision will last your entire lifetime’
Today is your last chance to register to vote on whether we should stay in the EU. In this article, Green Party MP Caroline Lucas writes exclusively for The Tab, telling Tab readers why they should register. This is what she has to say:
The odds are stacked against young people when it comes to voting on June 23rd. You’re more likely to rent, more likely to move house often and quite possibly are planning to be away this summer. Added to this is the fact that many of you are, quite understandably, pretty fed up with the same grey (mostly Tory) politicians droning on about immigration statistics and growth projections. It hasn’t exactly been the most inspiring campaign so far.
But don’t be put off, please. This referendum is about so much more than a fight at the top of the Conservative Party. Fundamentally it’s about who we are as a nation and how we envision our future.
For me being part of the EU matters because we are better placed to work on cross-border challenges like climate change and defending workers’ rights when we work constructively with others. It’s also about building on 70 years of peace in Europe, and our shared commitment to resolve our differences with debate and discussion rather than bombs and bullets.
That’s my opinion but, realistically, this referendum matters far less to me than it does to you – because you’re going to have to live for much longer with the consequences!
This poll is more important than a general election because you don’t get to change your mind and vote the other way in 5 years time. There’s every chance that this decision will last your entire lifetime.
So, whichever way you might choose to vote, the most important thing is that you have your say. You can rest assured that the vast majority of older people will be turning out in force – while many young people still aren’t even registered.
Well today is the last day you can do anything about it. If you haven’t yet registered please do so, now! If you have registered than I bet you know someone who hasn’t. Please do your generation a favour and drop your friends, colleagues and classmates a text telling them to go online and register. The result is likely to go to the wire – please don’t leave this to chance.
Remember that if you have more than one home – and this is particularly relevant for students – you must decide where you will be on 23 June, and use this address when you register.
Don’t forget that you can’t vote at Glastonbury and you can’t vote from France if you’re there for the football – but you can register for a postal vote if you’re going to be away (and you need to do so by 5pm tomorrow).
I know that politics can sometimes seem dull at best, and dreadful at times, but you can rest assured that the establishment will be banking on young people not turning out to vote. Please prove them wrong on June 23rd by having your say on this generation defining moment.
You can register to vote until the end of the day here.
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