- These are the most inspiring babes of the week
- We need to improve the way we deal with young women’s mental health
- Young women are most likely to suffer from mental health problems, says new study
- Women coders are still being under-represented and overlooked
- Eight-year-old girl calls Tesco out over ‘sexist’ kids clothes in viral video
- ‘We can’t live in fear’: I arrived minutes after the Townville Elementary shooting
- 25 books every girl should read before turning 25
- The attitudes of young British people, according to the rest of the world
- All the terms women wish you would stop using
- Now even the NUS are accusing Malia Bouattia of being antisemitic
- Women are now officially buying more trainers than heels
- ‘Sexualising any athlete is wrong’: The women’s wrestling game has changed forever
- Taking the pill raises girls’ risk of depression by 25 per cent
- It’s growing season! How to respond when a loser asks about your body hair
- The Brown student convicted of sexual assault will be allowed back on campus
- I contracted a lifelong disease in college, but it doesn’t define me
- An open letter to Donald Trump, from a recovered anorexic
- The sexist double standard of being Hillary Clinton
- Cornell senior Tariq Kane is taking more than 30 credits this semester
- UA girls respond after being criticized for their outfits in creepy Facebook group
- ‘He looked me straight in the eye’: When a man jumped in front of the Tube I was driving
- How Pennsylvania’s heroin crisis arrived in my hometown
- Hillary schooled Trump in the first presidential debate
- Every woman knew how Hillary Clinton felt being interrupted and talked over at last night’s debate
- An alcohol psychologist tells us why gin makes you cry
- Switzerland wants to ban the hijab from passport photos. Don’t they have anything better to do?
- Every tweet about how Hillary killed it at last night’s debate
- Ringside at the first presidential debate with Trump’s biggest bros
- I accidentally spent 40 minutes in the boys’ bathroom
- What kids who have lost a parent want you to know
- I never realised how much losing a parent would make me question who I am
- Babes who killed it on the internet this week
- Stop telling black girls how to do their hair
- We all have opinions, but if you don’t like roast dinners yours is wrong
- Just because you don’t understand dyslexia, doesn’t mean it’s not a real disability
- Don’t let the media backlash distract you from what Emma Watson’s UN speech actually said
- Archaeology students have trigger warnings for when they’re scared of bones
- Give the Dirty Disco girls a break, they’re just doing their job
- The way we deal with mental health at university has to change, and quickly
- Women can now download an app to stop them saying sorry all the time
- My name is Will Smith and I’m a Bristol student
- This Princeton club is handing out consent pledges on the door of parties
- Geologists will earn the most when they graduate, says new research
- These students have moved in to Amy Winehouse’s old Camden pad
- My mental illness allowed me to recognize the unfair stigma
- The Tab’s 2016 Mental Health Rankings are the first of their kind
- Overburdened and underfunded: The mental health crisis at Britain’s universities
- Searching for meaning in the queue for the new Yeezys
- Wrangler’s new campaign demonstrates false feminism at its finest
- Jeremy Corbyn has won the Labour leadership
- Hearing a Cornell student shout ‘Fuck Black people’ shows why we need Black Lives Matter
- Labour versus Tory: How these celebrities vote might surprise you
- My Asperger’s doesn’t automatically make me a reclusive card-counter
- Abusive boyfriends don’t sound very real – until you have one
- Who is CJ de Mooi, the former Egghead arrested over alleged ‘killing’?
- How are we still giving internet vlogger ‘pranksters’ enough attention to exist?
- Corbyn has what it takes to be our next Prime Minister – it’s time to back him
- It’s not just Fabric. The nightclub is dying
- Justin Trudeau said everything right about gender equality again
- Keith Lamont Scott, the man shot dead by police in North Carolina, was my neighbor
- We don’t care if it’s basic, we love everything about fall
- Exeter students write ‘The Holocaust was a good time’ on bar crawl T-shirts
- Who is the worst Harrovian of all time?
- These illustrations show what day-to-day life is like with anxiety
- As a previous resident, Khao San Road is not what Bangkok is all about
- A celebrity couple is getting divorced. Let’s stop using it as an excuse to pit women against each other
- Asian women are not your damn fetish
- I lost my virginity when I was raped by two of my friends
- Malia Bouattia created ‘one rule for Jews, another for everyone else’
- ‘I travelled to Tokyo just for a shoe release’: We spoke to sneakerheads queueing for Adidas NMDs
- Dear Marc Jacobs: An open letter from women of color
- Alicia Keys inspired me to go a week without makeup and it was terrible
- An ode to sexy selfies
- Brace yourselves girls, they’ve just invented a car ‘for women’
- When I was sexually assaulted, I lost my friends
- A pair of Durham newlyweds’s first home is a real life castle
- H&M’s new campaign is hair, curves, and everything it means to be a ‘lady’ in 2016
- We spoke to the student who sent the Kansas State blackface photos viral
- Misogyny needs to be recognized as a hate crime everywhere
- Why does everyone hate Caroline Flack?
- Why do you care when we’re having house parties, but not when we’re being raped?
- It’s embarrassing that MPs care more about censorship than students do
- UKIP’s youth wing has made ‘Make Britain Great Again’ hats
- People on Instagram are saying Tiffany Trump looks like Sid from Ice Age
- White and privileged: These are the City Airport Black Lives Matter protesters
- We spoke to the guy behind the gruesome video showing a Cocks not Glocks protester being murdered
- How to be an aggressive woman
- Harassment, poverty and low ambitions: Girls have it worse in the North
- Hey Freshers! Here’s how to not dress like a racist
- ‘That’s where I had my abortion’
- ‘I did not deserve to be raped’: Read Delaney Robinson’s account in her own words
- Read this insane email from what could possibly be the worst freshman roommate of all time
- The UNC football player accused of rape has turned himself in
- Theresa May says safe spaces are stifling free speech at university
- Library Baby’s mum just gave birth to her second child
- Bestival 2016 was so bad the organisers had to apologise on Facebook
- FSU fraternity rush cancelled due to hand, foot and mouth disease outbreak
- UNC sophomore Delaney Robinson was told: ‘Blackout drunk is not rape’
- Whitening my teeth with charcoal left me with little more than a dirty sink
- Men told these girls to put on more clothes, so they took them off instead
- UNC student will hold 2pm press conference to discuss footballer sexual assault case
- A response to HuffPo’s ‘Young ladies of the SEC, cover it up!’
- My sober night at a frat party
- Who is the worst Etonian of all time?
- We’ve won 56 medals, so why does nobody care about the Paralympics?
- The Great British Bake Off is obviously going to be really bad on Channel 4
- Just because you bought me a drink doesn’t mean I owe you my company
- Campaigners say it should be illegal to make women wear heels to work
- Emily Thornberry just used a ‘sexism’ argument to save face
- Everyone is sharing this interview of a Trump fan being quite deplorable
- Meet the JMU alum with cerebral palsy competing in this year’s Paralympics
- I had a breast reduction at 15 – it was the best and hardest decision I’ve ever made
- Oxford’s Bullingdon Club is facing extinction
- Parents tell us the advice they wish they’d had in their twenties
- Hillary Clinton fainted, once. That doesn’t make her an unfit presidential candidate
- ASOS forced to remove a picture of white make-up on a black model’s skin
- Loser asks girl for his money back two weeks after buying her a drink
- My dad killed himself: For me, every day is suicide awareness day
- ‘All the emotion drained out of his face’: Meet the kids who spent 9/11 with George Bush
- People are pissed about Ruth Bader Ginsburg coming to Notre Dame
- Charterhouse isn’t sexist, but the boys there definitely are
- This map shows all the sexual and violent crimes in your university town
- Abstinence-only sex ed is outdated and puts women at a major disadvantage
- Meet Nadia Manzoor, smashing stereotypes as the youngest female board member in the UK
- Living with a stammer is painful, scary and frustrating
- Front page news for the Daily Mail: Woman wears skirt
- My father died when I was 16, how was I supposed to grow up?
- What happens when you’re on a train that strikes someone on the tracks
- All the boys you’ll date before you give up on boys entirely
- I caught meningitis in the first weeks of term and it nearly killed me
- Are we really supposed to believe that UniLad (you know, the one who made a rape joke) care about sexual assault?
- The Black Lives Matter spokesman once blacked up as a minstrel
- We asked a tattoo artist how long it will take for your minimalist tattoos to go out of fashion
- Trump’s claims about America’s Black community are wrong and offensive
- Why don’t we learn how to say ‘no’ to sex?
- It’s official: Couples who get drunk together stay together
- Stop calling our neighbors ‘locals’
- Fabric is just another venue right? No, this is just the beginning
- Working at Sports Direct is as awful as it sounds
- Owen Smith’s comments aren’t ‘just political banter’ – they’re sexist
- Fabric is officially closing forever
- UMass doesn’t want you ‘whipping out anything’ for Harambe
- Why are we glamorizing former slave plantations?
- A psychologist tells us how to get over FOMO
- Gretchen Carlson’s harassment claims were dismissed. Now she’s getting $20m
- A guide to nailing your Bumble profile, by girls
- All schools should follow UChicago’s example on safe spaces
- What it’s really like to have an abortion
- Even young people aren’t backing Corbyn any more, poll finds
- A letter to the media about Brock Turner
- These images show the undeniable impact of mental illness on the brain
- I lost all my friends after voting Leave
- Inside London’s £20,000-a-year student skyscraper apartments
- Why we need to stop the student convicted of sexual assault coming back to Brown
- Can JK Rowling please stop shoehorning Harry Potter into current events?