QUIZ: Which male Brooklyn 99 character are you?
We’re all a bit Hitchcock
There’s a difference between people wanting to know which character they are from any old comedy TV show, and wanting to know which character they are from Brooklyn 99 (which was released on Netflix March 28th!), for the simple reason that every character brings something completely different to the table. You’ve got the unbridled and chaotic energy of Peralta, the constant laziness of Scully, and pretty much every personality type in between.
If you thought we hadn’t already bled the B99 quiz content for every last drop that it’s worth then you’d be wrong (and that’s knowing that there’s a female character version on the way) – so, relinquish your inner New York cop and let’s get this quiz underway!
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• Which Brooklyn 99 character are you? Take this quiz to find out