The Tab's journalism is brought to you by young reporters who like being first. On university campuses, our writers deliver local news you care about. At The Tab HQ, our experienced journalists write about everything from breaking news to politics to pop culture to TikTok trends to the latest entertainment and celeb gossip. Our aim is to deliver sharp, original, and agenda-setting journalism to young people. All our stories are fact checked and sources verified. Further information on our editorial policies and processes can be found here.
The University will also adopt a ‘safety-net’ approach to ‘help not hinder students’
Sir Roger Scruton allegedly also made Islamophobic, racist and antisemitic comments
The social was blasted by YUSU, committee members and the actual Conservative Party
The campaign is designed to help students trapped in controlling and abusive relationships to spot the red flags
Industrial action will also take place over a 14 day period in the last few weeks of term
Many want the university to provide compensation
The company are waiting for the all-clear from Public Health England
The free products are placed in James Lodge reception area
Officials have launched an urgent hunt for anyone who came into contact with them
York had the 7th most sugar babies of UK unis
The social was originally cancelled in 2013 before it returned in 2019
The fur-tastic research is being used to launch a podcast to help relax lonely pooches
The price cut is in response to the social media campaign #RentRant
Waste which cannot be recycled is also transformed into energy to help power 40,000 homes in North Yorkshire
The placards that will give you inspo to become a climate activist
The Duke told the university he ‘continues to unequivocally condemn Jeffrey Epstein’s activities’
‘Although the University is on track to meet its current carbon reduction target, it won’t stop there’
He says the uni will ‘do all that it can to minimise any disruption’
The scheme was set up by a York graduate
YUSU’s official response included
More than 4,000 students’ data has been accessed after University of York was hit by data hack
Did you even graduate if you didn’t post an Insta?
Manchester Met tops rankings whilst Imperial is classified as a ‘fail’
And you thought your dissertation was lit
And you thought your student job pay was bad
‘Forget about tuition fees – this is the real issue facing students’
Honestly each of these arguments deserve a BAFTA
Shock, not all of the highest rents are in London
London Met, Goldsmiths and University of Kent have the worst BME attainment gaps
And you thought your graduation was lit
There was an ‘undeniable racial divide’
This included monkeys, rats and mice
They’ve got to sign it before they’re let loose in the villa
Felix Ngole also posted ‘it is a wicked act and God hates the act’ on Facebook
Students were scared they had been squirted with acid or semen
‘The coach door was pretty open on the M4 for a good five miles’
He drives a Porsche! A Porsche!!!
Expect a load of glitter and sequins
Get ready for your world to be turned upside down
They’ll be handing CCTV over to the army if they don’t get it back
The R&B star is heading to York uni this term!
This new, eco-friendly shop encourages us to shop greener
A week of workshop and events in solidarity for Sexual Violence organised by GSA and YUSU
The Christmas Countdown is on: Get festive ready with York Christmas Market
No one can prepare you for the amount of geese shit you’ll step in