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For those of you who are wrongfully considering a panic masters
Tag yourself – I’m the Urban Outfitter dress
One of the only mum-approved decisions I made at uni
Forum hill is only one of them
14. There is blonde hair EVERYWHERE
I warn you, invites to TP are harder to come by once you graduate
Forget triggers, it’s all about glimmers now
If you haven’t gone to Exmouth yet this year, here is your sign to get down there and people-watch
Six quid pints are enough to turn almost anyone sober
8. Keys to a Volkswagen Polo (probably grey)
Consider this a bucket list of things to do before you graduate, if you haven’t already
Unpopular opinion: mates dates are just as good as ‘real’ dates
Or am I just romanticising all my interactions…
6. The one in pyjamas (pretty much all of us)
Whether it’s dissertation, exams, or coursework related, everyone in Exeter needs to hear this right now – including me
If you aren’t taking your BeReal in the library right now, do you even go to Exeter?
In case you were looking for yet another excuse to do a panic Masters…
20. Getting your second-year house deposit back in full
15. Seeing one of your ex-shags posting ANYTHING on Overheard
I’m not sure what’s worse, running on the treadmill or into your one night stand. Either could happen in PureGym
They’re all going to be better than your bedroom
Going to a partner-dance without a partner; does it get any more anxiety-inducing than that?
Part time job vs. university: The Real Fight Night
Sober or not sober, Subway always slaps
Most of us have been there…
Ever wondered what the people who work at Hutch Houseplants REALLY think about you when you buy this plant?
No, dressing as your overdraft isn’t one of them
Is there anything scarier than not having a Halloween costume sorted yet?