The Tab's journalism is brought to you by young reporters who like being first. On university campuses, our writers deliver local news you care about. At The Tab HQ, our experienced journalists write about everything from breaking news to politics to pop culture to TikTok trends to the latest entertainment and celeb gossip. Our aim is to deliver sharp, original, and agenda-setting journalism to young people. All our stories are fact checked and sources verified. Further information on our editorial policies and processes can be found here.
The crowd was heard chanting ‘open the pubs’
It all started with Britney Spears aka Jackie Weaver
‘students continue to be treated with a huge level of disrespect’
The organiser has been reported for breaching Covid regulations
‘Young people have had a particularly challenging time’
This excludes health and practical based programmes
A surge of cases caused an immediate lockdown
Ellis Lloyd Jones didn’t think he’d get past 10k followers
Madog Rowlands tried to claim he acted in self defence
This follows the UK approving the Pfizer/BionTech Covid vaccine
A warning has been issued by police over dangerous drugs
People are banned from leaving unless they have a valid reason
‘1,440 men die by suicide globally each day’
But they will take action if the situation demands it
No Dave, your holiday won’t save our economy x
Overall we’re not pleased, but it’s necessary.
It will start on Friday this week at 6pm
‘We’ve literally been forgotten’
What a positive start to the academic year
E.T go ho…Cardiff?
Wales and England currently have different guidelines
It’s not quite Australia, but it could work
Where do I sign up??
‘It completely invalidates the girls making the posts’
The Pro Vice-Chancellor has highlighted the latest changes
Ceremonies are to take place next July
But they still need our support
The venue were already feeling the pressure of Covid-19
Regular tests will be carried out before arriving onto campus
The protest is peaceful and adheres to social distancing
The VC announced in a message to staff
The student has no idea where her items are
He will be taking a 20% pay cut
Yes Netflix, I am done watching
That’s one thing to put on the shopping list…
And we are all jumping for joy
Emails have been sent to students explaining these changes
The girls involved are extremely upset by the incident
They didn’t reach 500 people in attendance
A complaint has been sent to the UCU President
The post was uploaded anonymously to Cardiff Confessions
He stressed his priority in an email
Cardiff SU is hosting a Q&A meeting to discuss the effects of strikes on students
It’s at risk of being underwater by 2050
It’s happening in over 70 universities
Police have authority to search any pedestrian
It offers new insights into the biological causes of schizophrenia
It’s not quite a wonderland anymore
It follows campaigns by animal rights charities
They aim to help the elderly and homeless
New year, new depot?
“It’s like forcing people to choose between being Welsh or being black or Asian”
They aim to become carbon neutral by 2030
It aims to raise awareness for Men’s Mental Health
There’s no room for negotiation
This is a necessity if you want to survive a Wednesday night
He was arrested in April but released on bail
He was stabbed behind Cathays station