The Tab's journalism is brought to you by young reporters who like being first. On university campuses, our writers deliver local news you care about. At The Tab HQ, our experienced journalists write about everything from breaking news to politics to pop culture to TikTok trends to the latest entertainment and celeb gossip. Our aim is to deliver sharp, original, and agenda-setting journalism to young people. All our stories are fact checked and sources verified. Further information on our editorial policies and processes can be found here.
No one ever failed an exam because they didn’t have enough money
It’s just a popularity contest
It’s been a long six months
They’re hoping to break three world records
A bus service that runs on time would be lovely
Big hits from the biggest names of campus
An elderly woman was hit by an X90 coach
It’s the prize you can put at the top of your CV
He was covered in juice by the end of the night
If you can’t grow a tash, this is for you
Maybe don’t tag your mates in this one
What if you’re falsely accused
It got more the 45 per cent of the vote
There has already been an investment of over ÂŁ4000
They have seen Cascasa in concert over 60 times
They couldn’t get it back from the painters in time
They don’t even take into account Fuzzy Ducks
He’s hanging up his repping hat
They were protesting Barclays Bank’s investments into fracking companies in Yorkshire
He beat more than 60 of Brookes’ best to win
The university had to step in to discuss his health and safety
There’s only so many times you can post about ‘the best night ever’
It’s the biggest award of the year
We’re the second best uni in Oxford
It’s outside JHB right now
Call home, you’re about to be rich
Shout out to all the third years still going out
Better than Easter eggs
We’re back this semester, unlike Kandy
The building will be turned into a youth hostel
‘Being a part of The Tab means going to socials and free cocktails’
But there wasn’t actually a fire
Everything from fights to orderly queueing
There was a pool in Fuzzys. What more do you want?
Being a ‘top lad’ isn’t all it’s cracked up to be
Can you tell who is who under all the make-up?
How safe is your house this year?
Your future employer will love seeing these photos of you
Everything you wanted to forget is here just in case your parents wanted to see it
We took over MNB and you shut the club down
Everything you don’t want to be reminded of
This is what MNB does to people
‘Sexier. Darker. More outrageous.’
Here’s what you need to know
Who needs a first when you can have jagerboombs
This is how you celebrate May Day
‘Someone was bleeding from the back of their head’
Is one of them you?
Like there aren’t enough of these
Food babies are a massive turn off
It’s like a walk of shame that’s on the internet forever
The photos you don’t want your parents to see
Your weekly instalment of blurry photos and blurrier memories
One of them eats 6-10 meals a day and still has a six pack
They probably don’t even look like this in real life
No one ever thinks of the poor rep’s feelings
If you keep clubbing we’ll keep making you famous
Lectures may have started but the party never stops
Five straight days of tequila shots and classic photos
Have you made the wall of fame this week?
Brookes students doing what they do best
The day I touched the hand of god
Just your average ‘rodent update’