Not going out doesn’t make me any less fun
I won’t ‘stop being boring and come out’
Going out is pretty much a staple of university life, and while I enjoy having a few drinks with friends – I’d always prefer a night in.
Behind my family and friends, curling up under 3 feet of blankets is one of my favourite things in the world – being dragged out to spend my evening in a club (without my duvet) is less of a love of mine.
What I love less though, is when people assume just because they go out all the time, that their lives are better than mine. Just because you think spending your life in a club is fun it doesn’t necessarily mean I feel the same, and it doesn’t make me a boring person.
Instead of pulling the classic “don’t be boring” response when someone turns down a night out, just respect their decision.
Going out can be fun, but it isn’t the absolute be all and end all of enjoying yourself on this planet. There are plenty of other ways to spend time with your friends or blow off some steam, and you have no right to criticise how someone else spends their time just because it’s not your thing.
There might be underlying reasons someone doesn’t want to go out. I can say from experience that it feels really shit when someone piles on the pressure to do something when you really can’t do it.
Why is it such a problem that I’d rather just go to the pub and chat, or have a film night, or go for dinner? It seems like nowadays so many young people’s lives revolve around when they’re next going out, and it can be incredibly frustrating to be seen as boring just because I don’t want to do the same.
You shouldn’t assume something about my personality just because I might turn down a night out from time to time.