How to download Pokémon GO in the UK

More people are on it than Tinder

Last week, Nintendo and software developers Niantic released the first major Pokémon game for smartphone. Pokémon Go uses your camera to superimpose Pokémon into your real world life.

Since its release in the USA, Australia and New Zealand just last week, the game has become more popular that Tinder and is set to overtake Twitter for the amount of daily users.

The UK app store release has been pushed back due to the intense demand on the servers used to power the game, but it’s still possible for you get your hands on the game.

While the game is not available on the UK app store, if you change your store location to US, you can download it as normal. The easiest way to get to the US store is to create a new account. Signing out of the app store gives you the option to create a new Apple ID. Make sure you use an email you have access to as you’ll be required to verify it as the final hurdle.

 To change your region to the US, go to  Settings – General – Language & Region – Region

Go to the Pokémon Go App in the US app store and tap on Change Store


When prompted create a new US iTunes account and select None for billing information

Et voila