Congrats class of 2015! Over half of us are still living with our parents
The amount of grads moving back home has risen since the £9k fee hike
It’s been four years since the government enforced the university fee hike from £3,000 to £9,000 per year – and the increase has had repercussions on the class of 2015’s post-uni life.
According to a report released the by NUS, 47 per cent of the class of 2015 are yet to fly the coop one year on from graduation.
To give you a little perspective, data released by the Office for National Statistics in 2013 shows that in 1998 that figure was only a third.
The report also revealed that many students admitted to being unhappy with their degree choice, and that female graduates are still missing out on securing jobs within higher wage brackets.
Despite assertions from Minister for Universities Jo Johnson that higher education will “set you up for life”, NUS Vice President Sorana Vieru has a bleaker perspective on the situation.
She said: “The graduates face a double jeopardy – they enter the world of work having paid far more for their education, with the debts hanging over them.
“Yet they receive far less benefit from this education in the labour market compared to previous generations, while living costs keep rising and the welfare safety net is shrinking.”
Tomorrow, A-Level students across the country will find out if they’ve succeeded in getting into the educational establishment of their choice – and they could soon be facing even bigger debts than their predecessors.
Last month, several universities confirmed that they will continue to hike their fees in 2017. Durham, Kent and Royal Holloway have even updated the 2017 entry tuition fee on their websites.
With more fee hikes on the horizon, the revelation of this new data means some may start considering whether uni is really worth it after all.