Everything you’ve always wanted to ask a bikini waxer, but probably didn’t because it’s awkward enough as it is
You can get one with a tampon in
It’s hard to ignore how intimate the whole experience of getting a bikini wax is. Knickers folded somewhere in the corner of the room, you’re lying there with your legs (tensely) spread while somebody peers over your vagina, ripping away your soul strip by strip.
“They do this every day”, you tell yourself as you stare at the ceiling, but you can’t help but wander if they’re judging your vagina, the length of your hairs and if anyone really gets a landing strip anymore?
But instead of asking them, you sit and smile through gritted teeth, telling the waxer about your holiday plans and all about that guy you’ve been seeing. So, I asked award-winning waxer Carla Lewis who’s been waxing vaginas for 11 years, to answer all of your grittiest waxing questions.
Have you ever had to turn someone away because of the condition of their vagina?
I only send people away if their hair is too short, I have never sent someone away because of being unhygienic. There have been some women who apologise if coming straight from the gym, in which case I usually just give them wipes to freshen up beforehand.
What’s the worst experience you’ve had?
When I was training and I had a lady with an extremely large bush and all the wax got stuck into the hairs. It completely matted and I couldn’t get it off, in the end we just had to trim the clump of wax off. It was horrifying, but I learnt from my mistakes!
Is it better to have longer or shorter hairs when you have a bikini wax?
It’s better for the hair to be slightly longer before a wax, this ensures it all comes out evenly and you’re not left with stumpy hairs that won’t come out. You need an even cycle of hair growth. Technically the hair has to be minimum of 1cm long.
Should people trim before coming in?
Not necessarily, I can do that as part of the treatment. Sometimes people trim themselves before and cut the hair too short which is annoying.
Do you wax yourself or do your colleagues do it for you?
I always wax myself as I don’t trust anyone else to do it for me! I often used to let therapists practice on me when I was training them back in the salon.
What’s it like waxing men, has anyone ever got turned on?
Back when I used to work in a salon I was the only therapist that would be trained to wax men down below, so I did it a lot. It’s obviously a little bit more tricky than waxing women as you have certain things that need moving out the way, I got them to wear disposable paper pants and would get them in all sorts of positions to make sure I could get to the hair underneath!
I definitely didn’t find it sexual and from the look on their faces and when the hair was pulled out I don’t think they did either.
Do you ever judge our vaginas? What do you notice about them?
Of course not, I have seen thousands of vaginas and each one is completely different. Some are obviously prettier than others, but my job is to get the hair off so that’s what I’m focused on.
What about people who are really hairy?
Growing hair down below is a natural thing, however I think women should keep it tidy down there. Eu natural is a no-no in my books.
Can people get waxed on their period?
Of course, but I always ask clients to wear a tampon so it doesn’t get too messy. The only issue is that their sensitivity is heightened because of the hormones, so it might be slightly more painful.
What’s the worst reaction to pain you’ve ever had?
I once had a girl who swore at me the entire way through a Brazilian wax, I just giggled and got on with the job.
Is shaving really that much worse?
I would always advise my clients to have a wax instead of shaving as overtime it thins the hair growth, it’s kinder on the skin and you have a smoother finish for longer. Shaving always used to give me an itchy rash so waxing is so much better.
What do you think about while you’re waxing?
Usually trying to distract them with questions about their weekend, holidays, boyfriends, the latest episode of Keeping up with the Kardashians.
What’s the best way to prepare for a bikini wax?
The length should be at least one cm, which is between four to six weeks hair growth. The client should be clean and fresh, a hot bath or shower before opens up the pores to release the hair meaning a less painful wax, disposable pants make the job easier, a good stretch before the dreaded pull, and a nice soothing afterwax lotion is key.
Describe the experience of waxing a vagina
For me, waxing is a skill that takes confidence, professionalism, and a very quick pull of the strip! Women put their trust in me and feel comfortable enough to get their vaginas out, that’s a big deal. My job is to make sure when they leave they are a happy customer and I feel I do that.
What’s the thing people ask for most?
I do different styles of waxing, my most common is a Brazilian or Hollywood. Approaching Valentine’s Day I get asked for all sorts of different shapes like love hearts, arrows, letters of boyfriends names which can be interesting! It’s also surprising how many male partners request different shapes and sizes before their ladies get a wax. I’m telling you, these men are fussy.
Illustrations by Daisy Bernard.
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