A lost disposable camera at Houghton festival was reunited with its rightful owner over Facebook

The owner was found in 25 minutes

Fran Parris found a discarded disposable camera lying on the ground outside the Warehouse Stage at Houghton festival last Friday.

Fran posted the following message, alongside all fourteen of the original photos on the Facebook group ‘The Identification of Music Group.’

Fran told The Tab that finding the cam was not an unusual incident for her, as she has recently developed a habit for finding “weird and wonderful things at festivals, including some flamingo glasses and inflatable boobs.”

Within half an hour a member of the group recognised himself in the photos, contacting Fran and the rightful owner.

The owner of the camera is pleased to be reunited with her pics, posting the following message on the group later that day: “This is mine!!!!!!!! Thank you so so much Fran for bloody finding it and developing it! Magical!!!”

When picking up the camera Fran said that she felt a whole breadth of emotions. “Firstly excitement at the fact there were 13 photos left on the reel, secondly sympathy for the poor soul who had lost it, thirdly curiosity for the photos that had already been taken.”

She made the most of the thirteen unused photos on the camera, before feeling a little anxious over what the original photos would entail. “Me and my friends joked about taking it in to get developed and finding a whole collection of wildly outrageous snaps.

After discovering that the photos were just “some fun piccys of some fun people having a fun time” she was keen to reunite the snaps with its owner – which she says was always her intention.

Fran said that she was “delighted to find the owner of the disposable, if not mad surprised.”

She said: “when I posted it on the Identification of Music Group, I knew that it wouldn’t let me down but thought it might take days to find the owner – not 25 minutes!!!”