These are the Russell Group unis which made the most unconditional offers in 2018
Some unis made almost a fifth of their offers unconditional
Unconditional offers for places at university are surrounded by controversy.
Some believe that it devalues higher education or that it can lead to students not taking their A-Levels as seriously as they should while others would argue that they relieve a great amount of pressure from sixth-form students' shoulders.
That said, most universities continue to make unconditional offers to potential students even if there is a sign of a change in culture with Nottingham no longer offering unconditional places.
So, which Russell Group universities made the most unconditional offers in 2018?
Check out the full Russell Group table below:
18.9 per cent of offers made by the University of Birmingham in 2018 were unconditional in comparison to the low 0.1 per cent of offers at the University of Bristol.
As you might expect, Cambridge's unconditional rate is similar to Bristol's at 0.1 per cent while Oxford is slightly higher at 0.4 per cent. Newcastle University made the same percentage of unconditional offers as Oxford.
Imperial College, Cardiff, Durham, Southampton, Warwick, Leeds and Exeter also had very low unconditional offer rates at 0.1 per cent while Edinburgh, KCL, UCL and Glasgow are slightly higher at 0.2 per cent.
11.4 per cent of offers made by Nottingham last year were unconditional showing that there's been a change for them to stop offering them. Queen Mary's had a 4.3 per cent rate of unconditional offers which is up from 2017's 1.6 per cent.
The University of York offered unconditional places to 1.7 per cent of students this academic year.
LSE, Queen's University Belfast, Sheffield and the University of Manchester didn't make any unconditional offers this academic year while the University of Liverpool has not made an unconditional offer since 2013.