These are all the pics of young Ted Bundy you are secretly desperate to see

It’s ok, we’re all thinking it


There's one Netflix show everyone is talking about right now. Conversations with a Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes. It's everywhere. It's like the whole nation has become fascinated with a single serial killer, Theodore Robert Bundy, and everything he did. In the documentary, the notorious killer is described as a "charming" former Law student who was "young and handsome" despite the fact he admitted to kidnapping, murdering and raping tens of women. There is a huge debate as to whether Ted Bundy is hot and we're ok with that, or if he's a serial killer and it's just wrong to glamourise him, and see him as anything but that. Either way, the young Ted Bundy pictures are what everyone wants to see.

The Ted Bundy Tapes is just one of the many hit shows that have graced Netflix since the New Year. There's been Sex Education, the Fyre Festival documentary, You and countless True Crime series that have had everyone binge watching Netflix recently.

The Ted Bundy Tapes has also been adapted into a film with Zac Efron playing the killer, which is set to drop on Netflix.

Here are a bunch of pictures of young Ted Bundy from the Netflix true crime doc, because we all know you're interested. Thank me later.

One of Ted Bundy's police mugshots

Newspapers called him "charming" and "familiar"

Ted Bundy with police after his arrest

School pictures of Bundy are shown in the doc

Pictures of Bundy with girlfriends are shown in the Netflix doc

Bundy in court

Newspaper pictures of Ted Bundy

Ted Bundy was referred to as a "chameleon" because his appearance seemed to constantly change

Bundy was all over the newspapers

More pictures of Bundy in court

Another one of Ted Bundy's police mugshots

Oh and btw, if you are completely obsessed with true crime, psychologists actually say it's completely normal. So looking at these pics over and over again is totally ok.

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