Louella’s ex filmed girls on drugs while they were ‘unconscious and bleeding’
He was given a jail sentence of eight and a half years
Ceon Broughton's ex girlfriend has come forward saying he used to film her "unconscious and bleeding" after giving her drugs, and accused him of having an unhealthy fascination with morbid images of girls suffering.
Clips showing Ceon urging girls to do drugs while he filmed them were presented to court, which prosecutors argued showed a pattern of Ceon intoxicating women with the purpose of filming them for his own gratification.
Ceon was sentenced this morning to eight and a half years in prison for the manslaughter of Louella Michie and three charges of supplying drugs after having been found guilty by a unanimous verdict yesterday afternoon.
Louella was found dead in woods close to Bestival's medical tent in September 2017. A toxicology report found she had taken 2C-P, MDMA and Ketamine.
Ceon's ex, Paulina Aberg, said Ceon gave her "a load of drugs" and proceeded to take pictures of her. She claimed she had also seen other images on his phone of girls looking distressed, "suffering, or suffering death."
Ceon allegedly filmed Paulina while she lay unconscious and bleeding from the head. She said she found the footage on Ceon's phone and deleted it, and that Ceon had many similar images saved on his phone of people suffering or dying.
Videos taken in Canada show Ceon "exhorting" a woman to inhale drugs from a spoon. She inhales white powder, after which Ceon tells her: "No, no, you have to do more," before she inhales again.
The court heard previously Ceon filmed Loella on his phone while she was "suffering". He was heard calling her a "drama queen", then continued filming her after she had died.
When he began filming Louella, she can be heard saying: "Film me!"
The footage shows Louella saying: "I never expected anything like this in my life. This is sick. This is amazing. This is the real shit, bruv. Make sure you are recording."
She added it was "the best trip I've ever had" and told Ceon: "Make sure this goes up on YouTube."
She said: "This is mad. I'm so happy, the best day of my life. I've taken acid before. This ain't acid. I was not expecting this. Mum, I love you. Dad, I love you… I see through everything."
Ceon kept recording for a further six hours. Louella began to shout at Ceon asking him to phone her mum, but he told her to "put your phone away".
Later clips show Louella making incoherent high-pitched noises and grunts. Ceon kept filming Louella as she rolled on the floor eating thorns. A male voice can be heard telling her: "Stop eating these thorns. You're just going to cut your beautiful skin." The marks on Louella's skin from crawling through bramble were mistaken by paramedics for henna tattoos.
In the sentencing, the judge told Ceon his criminal negligence had killed Louella, saying she was "a young, free-spirited woman who loved you".
The prosecution claimed Ceon failed to seek help for Louella because he feared activating a suspended sentence. An expert told the court there was a 90 per cent chance of Loella surviving if she had received medical attention.
Ceon was given a 24-week suspended sentence a week before Loella's death after being found in possession of a lock knife and a stanley knife. He was not charged for two capsules of 2C-P he was found with on this occasion.
The court heard Ceon had been waving the knife to scare people off in a confrontation, but didn't intend to stab anybody. His sentence of over eight years includes the charges of supplying drugs, manslaughter and the activation of the suspended sentence.
The judge told Ceon: "The distance from the hospital site was only 30 metres. You were only concerned for yourself.
"There was a hospital tent. You were well aware of those facilities. You gave Louella that class A drug 2C-P. She wanted that drug, but she didn't know what you had done. I am satisfied you either increased the dosage or mixed it with something.
"It was beyond obvious she was suffering and had a dangerously adverse reaction. What did you do? You didn't go to the festival site while it was daylight. Nor did you do the obvious and pick her up and take her to help."
"You were more concerned with creating a defence. You were more in fear of being arrested."
In a victim impact statement read to the court this morning, Louella's sister Daisy said: "Losing Louella, I feel like I have lost my parents and brother. Everyone you love shattered to pieces. Our lives have been torn apart by someone who was supposed to have loved Louella. Why didn't he get help?"
Louella's dad, Holby City actor John Michie told the court: "Our beautiful Louella should be here on any measure of humanity. Her life cut cruelly short. She was trusting, too trusting it seems. I go to bed every night with the image of Louella crying out to her mum and dad and brother and sister to help. But there was only one person who could have helped her."
Louella's mum Carol read a tribute from one of Louella's friends: "Meeting Louella was like being sprinkled with instant family dust".
She said: "We don't think Ceon is evil. He is stupid, massively selfish and he lied."
Ceon's defence said on his behalf: "Sorry I didn't do more to save Louella. Sorry for the suffering I caused to everyone who loved Louella and I want to make things right."