Alexa, how do I become as fashionable as this week’s best dressed on campus?

Seriously, I need answers

At uni, everyone falls into one of two categories when it comes to what you wear to lectures: those who give a fuck, and those who don’t.

Those who give a fuck go full glam, looking like they could be heading out clubbing or on a date. The opposite turn up in trackies, pyjamas, or last night’s look – VK stain included.

But these people, hailing from Birmingham, Exeter and Cambridge really do give a fuck about their appearance, as they’ve made it into this week’s best dressed on campus.

Mum is gonna be so proud.

Rebekah, English Literature, Birmingham

Image may contain: Long Sleeve, Rug, Jacket, Shoe, Footwear, Overcoat, Pants, Sleeve, Coat, Person, Human, Apparel, Clothing

Maria, French and Italian, Exeter

Image may contain: Furniture, Sleeve, Pants, Footwear, Shoe, Clothing, Apparel, Human, Person

Georgia, French, Spanish and Russian, Birmingham

Image may contain: Shoe, Coat, Woman, Sleeve, Footwear, Female, Denim, Jeans, Person, Human, Pants, Apparel, Clothing

Saffie, Anthropology and Spanish, Exeter

Image may contain: Long Sleeve, Flagstone, Pants, Sleeve, Person, Human, Footwear, Shoe, Apparel, Clothing

Sophie, English, Cambridge

Image may contain: Face, Sweater, Jacket, Blazer, Suit, Overcoat, Plant, Grass, Coat, Blonde, Kid, Woman, Child, Girl, Teen, Female, Human, Person, Clothing, Apparel

Esther, Geography and Planning, Birmingham

Image may contain: Path, Flagstone, Wheel, Machine, Footwear, Shoe, Coat, Overcoat, Person, Human, Clothing, Apparel

Julien and Laura, Maths and Physics, Exeter

Image may contain: Face, Chair, Bench, Coat, Jacket, Footwear, Shoe, Furniture, Sitting, Apparel, Clothing, Person, Human

Irache, Sociology and Criminology, Exeter

Image may contain: Female, Overcoat, Suit, Floor, Jacket, Coat, Flooring, Door, Shoe, Footwear, Human, Person, Clothing, Apparel

George, Sociology, Birmingham

Image may contain: Sleeve, Overcoat, Plant, Blazer, Coat, Jacket, Garden, Outdoors, Slate, Person, Human, Footwear, Shoe, Clothing, Apparel

Sarah, History, Cambridge

Image may contain: Outdoors, Teen, Girl, Child, Blonde, Kid, Lawn, Woman, Female, Human, Person, Plant, Grass

Ale, Management with Marketing, Exeter

Image may contain: Bike, Vehicle, Transportation, Bicycle, Person, Human, Machine, Wheel, Shoe, Footwear, Apparel, Clothing

Dan, Business, Birmingham

Image may contain: Path, Man, Overcoat, Long Sleeve, Blazer, Sleeve, Flagstone, Shoe, Footwear, Person, Human, Coat, Jacket, Clothing, Apparel

Sophie, HSPS, Cambridge

Image may contain: Female, Overcoat, Costume, Coat, Human, Person, Transportation, Bicycle, Bike, Vehicle, Machine, Wheel, Clothing, Apparel

Sarah, Anthropology, Exeter

Image may contain: Blazer, Overcoat, Jacket, Coat, Person, Human, Shoe, Footwear, Clothing, Apparel

Robin, French and Spanish, Birmingham

Image may contain: Sweater, Boot, Footwear, Overcoat, Coat, Person, Human, Apparel, Clothing

Georgie, Geography, Exeter

Image may contain: Floor, Plywood, Long Sleeve, Sleeve, Flooring, Pants, Hardwood, Human, Person, Wood, Footwear, Shoe, Clothing, Apparel

Angela, Psychology, Birmingham

Image may contain: Overcoat, Woman, Pants, Chair, Furniture, Blazer, Female, Coat, Jacket, Shoe, Footwear, Person, Human, Clothing, Apparel

Mohamed, Business and languages, Birmingham

Image may contain: Man, Pants, Shoe, Clothing, Footwear, Apparel, Human, Person

Georgia, English, Cambridge

Image may contain: Denim, Jeans, Blouse, Costume, Female, Human, Person, Face, Pants, Clothing, Apparel

Toby, Business and Economics, Exeter

Image may contain: Denim, Jeans, Flagstone, Long Sleeve, Pedestrian, Sleeve, Pants, Person, Human, Footwear, Clothing, Apparel, Shoe

Warda, Social Policy, Birmingham

Image may contain: Stole, Sleeve, Scarf, Person, Human, Clothing, Apparel

Paul, Business, Birmingham

Image may contain: Female, Jacket, Coat, Pants, Face, Shoe, Footwear, Sweater, Sweatshirt, Human, Person, Apparel, Clothing

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