Alexa, how do I become as fashionable as this week’s best dressed on campus?
Seriously, I need answers
At uni, everyone falls into one of two categories when it comes to what you wear to lectures: those who give a fuck, and those who don’t.
Those who give a fuck go full glam, looking like they could be heading out clubbing or on a date. The opposite turn up in trackies, pyjamas, or last night’s look – VK stain included.
But these people, hailing from Birmingham, Exeter and Cambridge really do give a fuck about their appearance, as they’ve made it into this week’s best dressed on campus.
Mum is gonna be so proud.
Rebekah, English Literature, Birmingham
Maria, French and Italian, Exeter
Georgia, French, Spanish and Russian, Birmingham
Saffie, Anthropology and Spanish, Exeter
Sophie, English, Cambridge
Esther, Geography and Planning, Birmingham
Julien and Laura, Maths and Physics, Exeter
Irache, Sociology and Criminology, Exeter
George, Sociology, Birmingham
Sarah, History, Cambridge
Ale, Management with Marketing, Exeter
Dan, Business, Birmingham
Sophie, HSPS, Cambridge
Sarah, Anthropology, Exeter
Robin, French and Spanish, Birmingham
Georgie, Geography, Exeter
Angela, Psychology, Birmingham
Mohamed, Business and languages, Birmingham
Georgia, English, Cambridge
Toby, Business and Economics, Exeter
Warda, Social Policy, Birmingham
Paul, Business, Birmingham
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