Netflix has just announced the official release date for You season two

It’s a Christmas miracle!!!!

Netflix has just confirmed the release date for You season two.

Prepare for your Christmas 2019 to be the best one yet, because the official date for the second season is Boxing Day.

Netflix confirmed the news by posting a brand new poster for the thriller drama with “meet your match” written across it and tbh, we are SO ready.

Netflix previously “leaked” the release date of the show when it posted one of its usual countdown lists, showing new series and films plus how many days viewers have to wait for them to be released. The post included “You S2” with a countdown of 110 days.

If you did the maths correctly, that tweet meant the release date for You season two was December 30th 2019. That tweet was swiftly deleted and now we know why! The date was wrong! The actual date is the 26th.

The brand new poster features Victoria Pedretti (who you’ll recognise as Nell from your other Netflix obsession, Haunting of Hill House) who plays Love, Joe’s new love obsession.


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