Ok, so is anyone else totally overwhelmed by life right now?

It’s all too much and I need a lie down

Lockdown is easing, the pubs are open, we can buy socks in Primark again and our calendars have never been fuller. Except, does anyone else feel completely overwhelmed right now?

I couldn’t be happier to have our freedoms back and to finally be able to see more than one mate for a walk. But the constant pub trips, long Zara queues and excessive money spent feels like a lot. Like almost too much.

It feels completely overwhelming to suddenly be doing everything we used to do as if nothing has changed. When of course, everything has. I think it’s more everything opening at once that has really cause the onslaught of emotion and exhaustion at the prospect of going on another bar crawl.

And I’m not the only finding it all a bit too much. London student Livi told The Tab she had “overwhelmed and overcommitted” herself during the first week of pubs reopening. Newcastle student Louisa also said she’d felt “burnt out” after scheduling loads of plans and then stressing about money and the lack of uni work she’d not done.

It’s totally ok to feel like you just want to lock yourself back in your room again, put your phone on airplane mode and just stick Netflix on. This is every reason why I and many others are feeling overwhelmed right now:

There’s no available spaces till June

Right I know it’s important for social distancing to book in advance but can people stop booking out bars and rooftops three weeks in advance? When did we become these hyper organised people? I don’t know what I want to be doing tomorrow night let alone a month’s time. Also the weather. We live in the UK people, there’s a high chance it’s gonna be raining on the night I’ve booked for. And then what? Do I just turn up in the hopes of being met with a sunny evening? Highly unlikely.

Every single bar, pub and restaurant is fully booked and it’s super stressful to try and organise your social calendar when the only options you have are to book to see your mate in a months time or risk a walk in and be met with the inevitable laugh and told obviously not, they’re fully booked.

‘So, um, yeah’

I’ve forgotten how to communicate with people in person. I literally would rather watch paint dry than ask someone how their lockdown was, however that’s essentially the only topic of conversation. And it’s always the same answer “bit rubbish, glad to back”.

It was ok when we were just on Zoom and going for walks, as conversation just flows better when you’re walking. Seriously, it’s scientific fact.

But when you’re sat down with your mates of years face to face suddenly the conversation dries up so quickly because no one has been dating, there’s no gossip from nights out and the global politics situation is so shit that no one wants to bring it up.

We all just spend our nights getting pissed and sharing TikToks which I could have done from the comfort of my own home.

A drink costs how much?

Wow ok so I’d forgotten how expensive real life was. How did we manage to go out multiple times a week? We all want to run straight to the pub to see our mates but actually once you’re there you could easily be spending anything from £30 to £100 on just one night out.

In lockdown we could have a night in with a £6 bottle of wine and Netflix. I’m not saying I want lockdown back, not at all, but it’s pretty overwhelming to see the money just fly out of your account that you barely touched during the last 12 months.

And it’s not just pub trips, suddenly everyone wants to do fun activities and book cosy cottages in the Lake District. Which I’m all here for it just feels odd to part with money now, especially if you’ve been attempting to save during lockdown.

What the hell do I wear?

When lockdown first started we all embraced dressing the top half and then slowly it just descended into trackies and stained t-shirts. Yes, it’s gross, yes we’re all slobs, just admit it.

Even though everyone on TikTok was doing a new ASOS haul every week, I still don’t know how to get dressed. First trip to the pub? Are jeans and a nice top still a vibe? I have no clue.

I stare at my wardrobe for a solid 20 minutes before going out and complain I have no clothes, because they all look so foreign to me. I’ve been wearing the same three sweat suits on repeat for the last six months, how do people know what to wear?

And then of course there’s the British weather element and only outdoor seating. Dressing for summer is tricky enough, but then factor in wearing a nice outfit because it’s your first time out but you’ve also got to have a thick enough coat so you don’t freeze. It’s a minefield.

I know we shouldn’t compare ourselves to others but we all do and so that first outfit back out does feel like a contest. You don’t want to look too try hard but equally want to look like this isn’t the first time you’ve worn jeans in months.

The FOMO is real

I want to go out but when I get there the aforementioned reasons don’t make it as appealing. But if I don’t go I feel like I’m majorly missing out on crucial bonding moments.

There’s also the guilt that now we’re allowed out we should take every opportunity to go out and embrace it. I can’t remember the last night in I had, I think my Netflix account might think I’ve died. But socialising is really tiring, I’d forgotten how much energy it takes out of you to get ready, travel somewhere, chat to people, drink and then travel home. And repeat multiple times a week.

That all said I will of course be booking the pub for two weeks time, freezing whilst sipping an Aperol Spritz and counting down the minutes until I can go home.

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