Best dressed on campus 2021: These students are so stylish it will make you weep
Please can someone tell me why Exeter students are so damn FIT
Ladies and gentlemen, may I present to you the very BEST of The Tab’s best dressed on campus articles from 2021. The creme de la creme, if you will. This lot really are the fittest and most fashionable students in the UK right now, and the evidence I am about to present to you in the form of photos simply proves it.
In fashion, 2021 has well and truly been the year of the Crocs. You’d be hard pressed to find a single student in the UK who hasn’t invested in a pair – and a sizeable handful of Jibbitz to go with them. On campus, people were wearing flares (natch), sweater vests, and a whooooole lot of animal print. Not to mention the North Face jackets – if you were lucky enough to cop a brown one I am eternally jealous of you.
What I really need now is an in-depth scientific investigation into how and why Exeter students are so bloody stunning and well-dressed. It’s really not fair on the rest of us – although the photos you are about to see prove that Cardiff, Birmingham and Nottingham all put up an equally big fight for being crowned the country’s best dressed uni of the year.
Now I present the evidence to the jury. Here are officially the best dressed students of 2021:
Marion, Exeter
Maddie, Birmingham
Lulu and Johnny, Exeter
Nyah, Exeter
Will, Birmingham
Amy and Oscar, Cardiff
Katie, Exeter
Aran and Carrig, Exeter
Rachel, Exeter
Miranda, Exeter
Sam, Exeter
Kelly, Birmingham
Ellie, Exeter
Alex, Exeter
Alice, Nottingham
Libby, Exeter
Alex, Birmingham
Rida, Exeter
India, Exeter
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