Quiz: What uni you should have gone to, based on how you celebrated A-Level results day
Is your university wild enough for you?
It’s been over 24 hours and hopefully by now you will have made peace with the results you got in your A-Levels. Whether you got exactly what you were hoping for and are off to your firmed choice, are heading off to your insurance or had to go through clearing, you’re officially going to university and that’s all that matters.
But maybe you’re still wondering if your university of choice is actually right for you. We all know there is only one thing that is important in first year and that is partying. All universities around the country have their reputations of how hard the students go on nights out and whether you’re going to enjoy yourself is a big concern. Take this quiz and tell us how you celebrated your A-Levels and we’ll tell you what university you should actually be going to:
Are you starting uni this year? Follow us on Instagram @thetab_ for all your uni’s gossip, news and top memes.
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