Take The Tab’s Mental Health Survey and help us reveal the true extent of the crisis
Calling all students – taking this quick survey will help us hold unis to account
Every year The Tab runs a totally anonymous survey of thousands of students to see what student mental health is really like right now.
This year, the rising cost of living is having an impact on many people’s mental health, and this term has been nothing short of a housing disaster for many university students.
25 bereaved families are currently calling on MPs to make a change in the law so that all universities have a legal duty of care towards its students – including Bob and Margaret Abrahart, who took Bristol University to court this year and won. A judge found the university had discriminated against their daughter Natasha, leading to her suicide. (The university has since submitted a request to appeal to the High Court.)
Mental health is one of biggest issues facing UK university campuses today. With your continued help, we can continue to tackle the issue and make uni bosses realise its full extent.
Please take The Tab’s quick student mental health survey below. We won’t reveal individual data about people, and all answers are anonymous, unless you choose to give us your contact details so we can follow up further – this is 100 per cent optional.
If you or someone you know has been affected by this story, please speak to someone or contact Samaritans on 116 123 at any time. You can also contact Anxiety UK on 03444 775 774, Mind on 0300 123 3393, and Calm (Campaign against living miserably) on 0800 58 58 58. You matter.
If you’ve got a story you’d like to tell us – whether it’s difficulties with getting uni support, or anything you think we should hear, get in touch in confidence by emailing [email protected]
Related stories:
• At least 11 Exeter students have reportedly died by suicide in just the past six years
• University of Liverpool student says they feel ‘hopeless’ during the cost of living crisis
• Natasha Abrahart’s parents are fighting to rewrite the rules on student mental health