Greggs vegan sausage roll is coming to Aberdeen

The £1 Quorn filled pastry is almost here!

Greggs, has announced that from the 8th of March vegan sausage rolls will be available in all of its Aberdeen stores.

At the start of last month, the Quorn filled roll was only available in certain Scotland outlets and just in Aberdeen Union's square store. However since its incredibly successful launch, the bakery has now confirmed that the meat-free pastry will be in all 1,950 stores.

The Quorn filled sausage roll with its crisp vegan puff pastry is basically identical to the classic sausage roll. At just £1 for a vegan sausage roll it looks like it's just the veganning of many more visits to Greggs!

The pastry caused a big stir when it launched January, going so far as to provoke Piers Morgan into a series of rants and TV debates over the topic. The product proved immensely popular however, and certain stores were reported to run out of stock.