Kyle Duncan steadily recovering from his fall from Bridge Street
His father says Kyle hopes to ‘turn his life around’
Aberdeen resident Kyle Duncan is recovering in hospital after a fall left him with a broken kneecap and femur.
The 28-year-old had accidentally fallen from Bridge Street onto Windmill Brae on Sunday morning, and has since been in Aberdeen Royal Infirmary.
Kyle's family admitted to The Evening Express their son had struggled with a drug addiction for 10 years. Kyle's father, who has since been pictured with his son in hospital, has said Kyle hopes to "turn his life around" following the fall.
Kyle is a widely recognised individual in the city of Aberdeen, and videos featuring him often circulate on social media.
Kyle's father, Michael Duncan, told The Evening Express: "There have been a few negative comments but we understand those people. We don't think any ill against them.
"For Kyle, this is rock bottom, but he is determined to make a change as a result and I think that can be something for others to take from this as well.
"My message to other parents would be: Don’t give up on your children because there is light at the end of the tunnel."
Kyle's father revealed he was initially worried his son might not make it, saying: "We are all really grateful to the people who saw what happened and helped him, and to the doctors and nurses and all the staff at the hospital.
"We want to thank every one of them."
He said: "This can be a turning point in Kyle’s life and he recognises that himself. He wants to get better.
"Recently he said to me that he wants to get himself to rehab and get clean. That was the first time I’d heard him say that and it is a big step.
"He really wants out of Aberdeen because he realises that when he is here with the same crowd it is going to be difficult to break free.
"He is insisting that this is the end of his old life and that he wants to break free, which was amazing to hear."
Support for Kyle has come in the comments under a Facebook post made by Michael.
One reads: "I'm an Aberdonian living on the other side of the world for some years now.
"Your son's videos singing in the streets really cheer me up, I read the article in the Evening express and wishing your son makes a full recovery and back to happiness again! Love from Japan."
Another said: " I hope he gets all the support and help he needs.
"From reading bits here and there sounds like a good guy who has found very hard times.
"Wishing him all the best and a speedy recovery."
Alcohol and drugs Action are contactable via their website, or by landline: 01224 594700.