A night out at The Angel will always be better than Yoko’s

We all love it deep down

The Angel is probably the closest Aber has to an ‘edgy’ venue. There are nights devoted to all sorts of alternative music, the drinks you might find in people’s hands aren’t typical of your average Aber punter, and the crowd themselves are a whole different bunch from that you’ll find next door in Yoko’s.

Here’s everything that will happen if you find yourself in the delightfully weird saloon of strange that is Angel.

Your pint will be lukewarm

First time angel-goers often make the mistake of ordering one of the limited selection of on-tap lagers or ales in the angel. This is no-go territory; you will be disappointed when the drink you paid a whole £3.40 of your precious loan for turns out to be altogether the wrong temperature and pretty much undrinkable.

No matter how early in the night it is, there will be a guy in the corner who has peaked already

If you must approach him, do it cautiously without saying any of the following phrases; ‘you should probably go home mate’, ‘do you want some water’, or, most crucially, ‘austerity’. These will open cans of worms you would much rather keep sealed tight and locked deep in a safe.

Back room best room I heard?

You will encounter RocSoc

These are an odd, though friendly enough bunch. Ask them if they plan on going to yoko’s later, and you receive answers such as ‘am I fuck’, ‘their music is just chart shit’, and ‘who are you?’. They almost exclusively drink Newcastle Brown Ale, Woods rum or Jack Daniels and can normally be found in the back room, giving their best attempt at ‘dancing’ to a lovely bit of Black Stone Cherry or Bring Me The Horizon.

If you were expecting to find some drinking buddies who will bop along to the latest Bieber banger with you, this is not the place to look. However if you love that one Fallout Boy pop punk song from your teenage years, they will welcome you with open arms?

You’ll have great conversations with strangers

It could be over anything; your choice of drink, the fact that you are singing along to a particular song that’s just come on, or it could even start with a complete stranger complimenting your choice of Iron Maiden T-shirt (probably won’t happen if it’s one from the Blaze Bayley years), but you will end up having lengthy, in-depth conversations with people you’ve never met before. You’ll promise to find out when they’re next out and join them back here, but chances are you’ll never see them again, save for the odd awkward eye contact as you pass each other on Penglais hill.

You’ll try drinks you’ve never tried before

No one in here seems to adhere to conventional drinking practise, so why not deviate from the norm yourself? Have a notorious Woods rum (at a lethal 57% whats stopping you?) instead of a Vodka coke, a Black Dragon instead of a strongbow. You might regret it, but isn’t that just what university’s all about?

Look how festive that tinsel is, No other pub in Aber did that

You’ll have a bloody great time

Yes, there’s sick in the toilets, the beer is crap and perhaps a fair few of the patrons have dabbled in a bit of this or that on their way out of predrinks – but there’s no other pub in Aber with an atmosphere quite like the Angel. So instead of heading to yoko’s or pier with the rest of the sheep, why don’t you embrace your inner weirdo and head for the Angel, it’s secretly the best pub in Aber anyway and that’s just a fact.