I pre-lashed with some rugby boys

El vino did flow


The Birmingham rugby team are famous for their wild socials. It just so happened that Wednesday night’s pre-drinks took place in my flat.

The Naked Chefs

By about 10pm, my kitchen was invaded by 30 rugby lads who weren’t allowed to talk to me until the clock struck 11.

No chirpsing before 11!

A very brave (or foolish) friend of mine opened the kitchen door and was hit by a wave of sweat and beer. The boys were dressed as geeks, clad in nerd glasses and, at most, their boxers. We were soon attacked by fistfuls of Cheerios and dry pasta followed by a shower of Frosty Jack’s.

The Tab’s Initiation

All that I can say is this: thank God I’d had nearly a whole bottle of wine to soften the reality, or I most certainly would have been one of the following:

a) Furious at the state of my outfit, the cheerios were not a good look

b) Crying with despair

c) Deeply disturbed. Actually, I am disturbed. No amount of alcohol can help me escape from the memories of this pre lash.

If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em

After a boozy pre-lash, it was off to the Hub for a messy Sports Night. My clothes smell like cider and cheerios.