Birmingham shines in Linkedin University Rankings
Birmingham is up there with the very best
The University of Birmingham makes the top 20 for graduate prospects in all five sectors, including Finance, Marketing and Media.
The good news comes after Linkedin released its University Rankings – based on career outcomes – earlier this week.
The official stats peg Brum at 17th for Investment Banking, 14th for both Marketing and Finance Professionals and 11th for Accounting Professionals.
And for those of us studying for an English degree, fear no longer – Birmingham is ranked an impressive eighth in media-driven careers.
With a platform like The Tab training the young media professionals of tomorrow, who can be surprised?
The results follow a strong trend of improvement in the last few years, including jumping to 15th in The Times’ league table in September and being made University of the Year in 2013.
Unsurprisingly, Oxford and Cambridge performed consistently well in the rankings, making the top five in at least three categories each.
More surprising was Nottingham, who cracked the top 10 for every category except Finance.
And special mention must be made to our very own neighbours, Aston University, which was placed a staggering second for Marketing Professionals.
It seems those year placements really do come in handy.
Despite Loughborough’s exceptional movement in both The Times and The Guardian rankings, it seems the whistleblowers of the Midlands are still waiting to convert supposed academic advancements into employment reality.
It failed to make any of Linkedin’s top 25 in all categories.
On the other hand, our Midlands cousins, Warwick University bagged themselves four top six positions, let down only by their placing in the category of Media Professionals (18).
Loughborough’s performance leaves students a little underwhelmed
The results seem to validate the success of Vice-Chancellor Sir David Eastwood’s initiative for Birmingham to become the “best of the rest” outside of elite academic titans, Oxford and Cambridge.
Certainly, they go some way in calling attention to both the University’s world-renowned facilities and exceptional dedication to a wide range of subject areas.
Currently notched up at number 64 worldwide, Birmingham University has proven itself in recent years to be an educational establishment worth watching out for.
And with investments spanning from campus redevelopment to the creation of new departments, it’s more than likely that the already impressive accomplishments of this redbrick institution are headed to continue in much the same way.
What will we achieve next?