How to have a hot date in Selly
In case you didn’t already know
Finally landed a date with that special someone you’ve always wanted and have no clue where to take them? Have no fear, the ideal place is not as far away as you think.
A place of wonder, magic, and extremely high standard facilities, this description can of course only fit one place. The only place you would want to spend a date to show that special someone just how much you care.
Selly Oak.
Follow these tips of how to romance in Selly and you are sure to have them begging for more.
true love is born over chips….
Where to eat?
Now, is there even any point in mentioning where you should take your date for a tasty bite? Clearly, this is a job for the swankiest restaurant in Selly, everyone’s favourite Adam’s Place.
What’s more romantic than doing the Lady and the Tramp with a battered sausage to break the ice? (Nothing). This greasy delight should not just be saved for 3am, but also as a way to really treat that special someone.
A cheeky drink to get you in the mood?
Well, now Drinks 2 Go has had their new snazzy re-fit, go and browse their even bigger selection of cheap, mind-altering drinks. We all know alcohol is ALWAYS the answer. And the classier, the better, so what better way to set the tone of a very hot date than the delicious fizzy, slightly toxic taste, of Frosty Jack’s.
It will, in your eyes, lift the date up to another level, how your date feels however, depends how much they, too, have drank. Once you had bought the tasty delight, go have a romantic stroll in Selly Park and both enjoy the possibility of being stabbed.
It’s hard to think of anything more romantic.
Every student’s true love
Get to know your date a little better
Getting to know the person you’re on a date with is extremely important, it will help you make the decision as to whether you want to invite them to Fab with you next week. So organise a fun activity for you to do together and bond over.
What more does Selly Oak have to offer than a very reliable and hygienic looking Tattoo Parlour. Nothing spells true love like a tattoo of your beloved’s name on a first date.
Might be needing that tattoo removal soon…
The next day…
There is not better way to recover from all the Frosties you drank yesterday than by shoving your face shamelessly into a greasy fry up. Sometimes there really is no better cure for a hellish hangover than shovelling, yet another, disappointing sausage into your mouth.
Selly Sausage forever
Selly Oak: Where true love blossoms