The kinkiest things you’ve done on campus

Get a room guys

Who says all we do is shag about and sleep, with a little bit of studying thrown in for good measure? Oh yeah, everyone. Because it’s totally true. 

But some of us have been a little more creative than others in this area. Here are the naughtiest things you lot have ever got up to on (or at least, near) our prestigious campus. Sorry, Old Joe.

Checking the library for stray feathers

What someone doesn’t know… won’t hurt them?


Girl Power

Asda’s ‘bag for life’ probably wouldn’t have let you down as much as this

Stud…but where in the library?!

Thanks for being more specific than previous library-goer

Definitely got a First in Creative Writing

And finally… this. We’re still not entirely sure if it was a pretty poor joke or an honest confession, and we’re not even sure we want to know. Guys, just a friendly reminder about bestiality: totally still a crime in the modern age.

Far too happy to put his face to this

What’s the naughtiest thing you’ve ever done on campus?

Let us know at [email protected].