University confirms all year abroad students in Paris are ‘safe and well’

They’re not making them come home early


The University have confirmed all year abroad students in Paris are “safe and well” after last Friday’s terrorist attacks.

They are not withdrawing any students from Paris, and have counselling and helplines available for those who need them.

When asked about the situation and whether or not the students would be coming home early, a spokesman for the University said: “We have been in contact with all of our students who are working or studying in Paris this year and they are all safe and well.

“We will remain in regular touch with them for the duration of their year in France.”

Third year English and French student Cate Spre is studying in Paris for her year abroad and was surrounded by the attacks last Friday.

She told The Tab: “I really can’t criticise the University of Birmingham at all in regard to how they dealt with the horrendous events of Friday.

“A few hours after the event, I received a few emails checking I was okay and giving further information and helplines.”

Cate added: “I’m aware other Universities such as Trinity Dublin have sent tutors to Paris to physically check on the welfare of students staying, and potentially that would have been appreciated.”

The University has already held a vigil this week for those who lost their lives, and they have continued to show their support for everyone involved.

The University spokesman added: “Student support and counselling services are on hand should any students require further help and advice.”