Couple had paint poured over them when walking under Selly canal bridge

The culprit is still on the loose

A third year witnessed two students being covered in paint as they walked under the bridge by Victoria Halls.

It happened at night and isn’t thought to be the first time pranksters have done it.

Attackers seem to be emptying tins of paint from the top of the bridge as students make their way to university, giving them the shock of their lives.

The scene of the crime

Adam, a final year Business Student witnessed the most recent attack.

He told The Tab: “My housemates and I were walking back from football and I heard a spill across the road from us.

“Initially I thought somebody had dropped a drink or something, but two students had been covered by paint from the bridge above.”

The attack happened at night so unfortunately, the culprits were unidentifiable to Adam and any other witnesses.


Selly Oak Police have had no reported incidents of these attacks, but students are urged to come forward if they have any further information.