‘Killer clown’ spotted in Birmingham

It’s happening, they’ve found us

The ‘killer clown’ craze has finally made it to Birmingham, as another frightening clown was seen loitering in the bushes in East Birmingham.

The ‘killer clowns’ started in the US, where people dressed up in scary masks and costumes, sometimes carrying knives to scare people, particularly children. This hysteria has now spread to the UK.

This isn’t the first time that one of these clowns has been spotted in the region, as unconfirmed reports of similar incidents in Evesham, Worcester and Droitwich have emerged. This most recent disturbance occurred late on Sunday night in Shard End, in Birmingham.

The clown seen in Birmingham


Luke, 21, managed to escape the clown after taking a picture of it outside shops on Shard End Crescent at 10.35pm.

He said: “I was walking back from the shop and I saw a face in the bush and I didn’t think of it but then it re-jogged my memory of the clown incidents that have been going on.

“I tried to get a picture and at that moment he walked forwards as he saw me take the picture and I ran.”

More and more of these incidents have been occurring across the UK, and many are becoming concerned that these ‘killer clowns’ pose a real threat. Whether this is true or not, we’ll be locking our doors from now on.