Hundreds of people in Birmingham united against Trump’s Muslim Ban
There’s far more that unites us than divides us
Hundreds came to Birmingham’s Victoria square yesterday to protest Donald Trump’s banning of immigrants returning from certain Muslim countries, and Theresa May’s silence over the matter.
Created in 48 hours, the event brought people from across Birmingham and even the Midlands together to protest and speak up for what they felt.
With speakers ranging from the Labour Party, Liberal Democrats and Green Party, not surprisingly there was no Conservative spokesperson.
The Methodist Church, Progressive Synagogue and St. Peters Church all had members speak to show their solidarity with their Muslim neighbours.
The event even managed to attract local members of the targeted communities, with representatives from the Yemeni, Somalian and general Muslim populations. There were LGBT fighters and Student Unions, along with representatives from the People’s Assembly all came to show their camaraderie.
The quotes shouted to the crowd ranged from “There’s far more that unites us than divides us” to “We can’t get infected by hatred” and powerfully “Love is greater than hate, love is more powerful than hate, we must recognise the whole human population as one”.
The protest that took place for two hours encouraged everyone to return home with the same message, that as a country we must unite and stand together, and not allow such atrocities to take place under our name.
The next event-taking place in Birmingham will be on Saturday 4th February held outside Waterstones at 2pm, a concert on Friday 24th between 7pm and 1am at the Crossing on Floodgate Street. There is also a huge rally-taking place in London on Saturday with Stand up to Racism.