Best Dressed: Sports Night Edition

We snapped you up

One of the biggest highlights of the week, Sports Night sees students utilising their GCSE art skills in order to create the most inventive outfits. This week a not-so-sober Tab reporter, VKs in hand, descended on sports night to see the extravagant peacocks strut their stuff. It was a marvellous sight indeed.

Here are some of the best outfits:

Chess (is chess even a sport?)

Every effort being made here

The bunnies of Boxing

Where’s Regina?

Netballers: the space-bunning aliens 

Work it

Incredible work from the Hockey team

Edna would be proud – no capes

A trio of surfer chicks

Footballers swapped the pitch for the pool 

Baywatch ladies

Over run with alien Netballers 

Brumski adopted the hippie look

Posin’ til closin’

Chavs were representing Lacrosse

Crew love