UoB’s new Sports Centre has already run out of memberships, so you’ll have to get on the waiting list

Tough luck

The recently opened University of Birmingham sport & fitness centre has run out of gym memberships. As of Wednesday 27th September, the new sports centre is not accepting new, full or off peak sign-ups to the gym facilities at the centre.

Statement from the Sport and Fitness Birmingham website

Statement from the Sport and Fitness Birmingham website

When the Tab contacted the Sport and Fitness centre at the University they told us that "We are incredibly pleased that the new gym has been so well received by our student population and it is unfortunate that we cannot welcome everyone, however we are committed to maintaining an enjoyable member experience and do not want to overfill the gym."

Students wishing to enrol in the gym have to now enter into a waiting list for new spaces to become available.

The Tab was also informed that currently 69% of memberships are student memberships with the remaining 31% being assigned to the other membership categories such as community members.