Guild confirms ‘free periods’ are back

This is not a drill

It has just been announced by UoB's Guild of Students that free periods are in fact returning once again.

Signs advertising free products were spotted by The Tab last week but the suspected initiative remained unconfirmed by the Guild until this morning.

Speaking to The Tab, a Guild worker confirmed that the warmly welcomed 'free periods' was in fact making a comeback, with an official statement being released hours later.

The brief statement, released on the Guild's website and social media, describes the huge costs incurred by periods, costs which leave people no choice but to spend their hard earned cash on products which are not only costly but also a necessity. With the average person spending over £18,000 on sanitary products and period associated costs in their lifetime, the Guild's campaign aims to reduce the number of students resorting to dangerous methods of avoiding these costs.

Sanitary products will be placed in women's and non-binary toilets and at Guild reception.

Weekly and monthly supplies will also be available from Guild Advice which is located on the ground floor of the Guild of Students.