St Ann’s or the Arboretum: A guide on where to live in Nottingham

Please be close to Aldi

Halls defined everything for you in freshers – your friends, your activities and your personality.

But second year has come around and you must make the big decision of where to live in town. How close to the city centre are you brave enough to go?

From the comfort of halls we’re cast out to fend for ourselves with big decisions to make – who do you live with? What road do you choose?

There are five main areas you can go for:

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It’s the area everybody wants to live. If it was a person, it would be Channing Tatum.

Don’t worry about feeling guilty for not going to uni because you’re so close you may as well be renting out Newton LT6.

It’s student central so there’s no risk of coming into contact with any locals.

Distance from the SU: 7 minute walk

Distance from Ocean: 21 minute walk

Distance from the library: 8 minute walk

City Centre

Living within two minutes of thirteen pubs sounded like a great idea when you signed your lease, and it still is.

There’s never a dull night in round yours since you’re always on the town – literally.

You might not get the best grades but then again, you go to Trent so do you really care?

Distance from the SU: 8 minute walk

Distance from Ocean: 10 minute walk

Distance from the library: 7 minute walk

Lace Market

Your flat is the envy of all your friends. Large open rooms, plenty of storage space and the furniture is minimal yet classic.

Oh no, that’s just the Jack Wills shop you’ve wandered into. You’re the flat upstairs, mate.

You’ll be spending your Wednesday’s at Coco Tang.

Distance from the SU: 16 minute walk

Distance from Ocean: 12 minute walk

Distance from the library: 16 minute walk


How long does it take you to walk to uni? Enough time for you to count the stacks of cash you’re saving living in Uni of territory.

The rent’s low and your attendance is even lower because it’s an absolute trek.

You hear the opposition rave about Derby Road and Sainsbury’s but you just don’t get the hype.

Distance from the SU: 18 minute walk

Distance from Ocean: 26 minute walk

Distance from the library: 19 minute walk

St Ann’s

Yes the rent is low, but when you accidentally call the police on a friend you’re expecting because you think you’re being burgled, you start to question if the price is really worth it?

Of course it is, you’re going out four times this week.

Oceana is so close you can hear the freshers getting with each other.

Distance from the SU: 36 minute walk

Distance from Ocean: 34 minute walk

Distance from the library: 35 minute walk


Deanna, Business Management, second year living in Lace Market

I’m living in Lace Market, near the city centre where all the bars and clubs are – the posh area.

It’s great for pres and good for taxis. You get more for your money and you don’t feel unsafe.

We’ve got like a five house community, which is pretty fun.

Ollie and Matt, Criminology, second year living on Watkins Street

Watkins Street on the edge of St Ann’s.

It’s near uni and it’s right next to Aldi – there are lots of students around there.

The area is pretty rough – there’s a lamp post at the end of the street with some flowers on.

If you could live anywhere, where would you live? Our current house was a last minute decision. Probably go for somewhere in the Arboretum.

All of our mates are there, but the walk’s not too bad.

Ben, a graduate who lived in Market Square and Becky, Law, fourth year living on Portland Road

Becky: I’m living on Portland Road as it’s so close to uni, it takes like five minutes.

Ben: When I was at uni I was living in Market Square, which is pretty nice.

If you could live anywhere, where would you live?

Becky: Somewhere in the Arboretum, it’s a student area and there aren’t many annoying neighbours.

Ben: Gedling – it’s a nice area of Nottingham.

Raj and Jay, freshers, Business Management and Economics living in Phase One

Living in Phase Two next year, as it’s cheap and close to the city centre. It’s mainly made up of second years.

If you could live anywhere, where would you live? Victoria Hall

Callam, Business Management and Luke, Business living in Lenton

Living on Wollaton Street near Rock City.

It’s in walking distance to town and there are a load of students around.

If you could live anywhere, where would you live? Somewhere in the middle of the city, but it’s too expensive.

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