Take this personality test to find out what you could earn in your first grad job
All is not lost
At uni, we are masters of avoidance tactics, trying to block out the chat from our mates about all the grad schemes they’ve applied for, their best interview tactics and God forbid, any job offers they’ve had.
All this competitive pressure is stressful and scary. What if you don’t have a five-year plan? What if the only plan you do have is to make it to the end of the semester without drowning violently in a churning sea of essays and exams?
But don’t panic. The Universum career test will put your mind at ease about what the actual hell you should do with yourself after graduation.
Just answer a few, simple questions about the values you’re looking for in a workplace, and the Universum careers test will sort you into seven different career types.
Whether you’re a Harmoniser, building relationships all round the workplace, or a ladder-climbing Careerist, Universum will help you identify your strengths and weaknesses – and it’s actually pretty accurate.
It’ll also give you a list of employers that share your ideals, providing you with an idea of where to look for a job – basically, you can find out how much you’d like working somewhere before you even decide to apply.
What’s more, the test tells you what your career type should earn in your first job, so you’ll know how much of that sweet sweet dolla to expect when you leave uni.
So next time James smugly turns up to a seminar in his suit because he’s had a third-round interview with PwC, you can actually, genuinely congratulate him without having to suppress a feeling of rising anxiety and jealousy.
You’re on track. You got this. You can relax, safe in the knowledge that you know what’s what, and that no one even likes James anyway.
Take the test here and be entered into a draw to win a £20 Amazon voucher