Take this career test to find out what your dream job should be after uni
Avoid that post-graduation panic
Take the CareerTest now
First it was Brexit uncertainty, then came the pandemic and now there is the ‘Great Resignation’. It can seem that the job market is impossible for graduates to face these days but, with careful guidance, you can find your way through the madness.
Let the graduate Career Test lead you on the path to your dream job. Every year, the graduate Career Test helps over one million students and young professionals do just that, and the best thing is that their tailored service is FREE – music to every students’ ears. Wave goodbye to job rejections – the graduate Career Test will help you on your way to employment.
Take the CareerTest now
Take the CareerTest now
How it works:
During the 20 minute CareerTest, you will tell them:
• How you are engaging with employers and what makes them attractive to you
• How you are finding your university experience
Take the CareerTest now
After the CareerTest, you will receive:
• A breakdown of your career personality type
• A comparison of how your salary expectations compare to your peers
• A tailored list of which employers are the best fit for you
• A FREE professional CV check
Take the CareerTest now
• FREE practice employer aptitude tests from AssessmentDay
• 65% DISCOUNT on Udacity courses (which help you stay ahead of the curve and get the skills you’ll need for future jobs)
• A chance to WIN a £80 JustEat voucher
What are you waiting for? Receive your guiding light right now with the CareerTest.