Bristol Does The Harlem Shake
With Bristol students planning their own version of the Harlem Shake, The Tab looks at Bristol’s best efforts so far.
In a triumph for bandwagons everywhere and the people who jump on them, the internet has recently become the proud owner of 7 billion Harlem Shake videos.
Undeterred by the fact there are already more Harlem Shake videos than there are people on this planet, Bristol students are planning to make their own video in the ASS library this Friday, by which point the rest of the world will probably have found some other internet craze to mimic.
However, should Friday come and Harlem Shake is still a thing, participants would do well to learn lessons from those who have danced before. In an attempt to help rather than merely offering snide remarks, The Tab has trawled the net to find Bristol’s greatest Harlem Shakers to learn how it’s done.
Harlem Shake: In The Nightclub
What We Learned: Organising a large group of people is impossible so film the first fifteen seconds with hardly anyone else around. Also, get everyone really drunk.
What Not To Do: Have security guards stand right near the camera who refuse to join in with all the shaking.
Harlem Shake: In The Bathroom
What We Learned: UWE students have a nicer bathroom than we do.
What Not To Do: Start with someone naked and then have them “freak out” by putting their underwear on.
Harlem Shake: In The House
What We Learned: Funny costumes work just as well as nudity.
What Not To Do: Stick the person whose not that into it right in the middle of the shot (see 2nd video).
Harlem Shake: In The Bar
What We Learned: Yes, football teams are exactly as homoerotic as you suspected.
What Not To Do: Have bewildered people sat in the background who don’t know what’s going on.
Harlem Shake: On The Bus
What We Learned: When in doubt, wave your arms in the air. Oh, and hockey teams are also exactly as homoerotic as you suspected.
What Not To Do: Film in a location so cramped you can’t actually move.
Harlem Shake: In The Gym
What We Learned: Throw things in the air like a crazy person. Also, badminton teams are exactly as un-erotic as you suspected.
What Not To Do: Film in a location so huge there aren’t enough of you to fill it.
Harlem Shake: With Jesus
What We Learned: Rearrange the furniture to really mess with people.
What Not To Do: Exploit the Shake to promote something for your own ends.
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Got your own Harlem Shake to show us? Send us a link to [email protected].