Cambridge student offers private tutor £48k for 16 weeks work
A student is offering £100 an hour for help with his biochemistry exams. The catch? You have to be perfect.
They’re supposed to be some of the brainiest student boffins in the country.
But one Cambridge student clearly has more money than sense after he advertised for a science tutor to teach him for 16 weeks… in return for a whopping £48,000.
In an advert posted on the website Tutors International, the biochemistry student is seeking an experienced science supervisor.
The anonymous Swiss student, fluent in six languages, says his “natural intelligence and excellent work ethic have so far been enough to carry him through his academic career”.
But now he’s at Cambridge, his “coping techniques are proving unsatisfactory”.
The 20-year-old student needs a hired hand to work with the student “for a minimum of six hours a day, five days a week for sixteen weeks from early January”.
Cambridge’s biochem department
Adam Caller, director of Tutors International, told The Tab: “We are a bespoke tutor agency and we do incredibly specific placements. Most of our jobs last multiple years, and some of our clients want certain things.”
Manager Victoria Gibbs said: “We tailor our recruitment to the exact needs of the clients and find the ideal tutor for them. This was on the more specific side of the recruitments we have done.”
The job was also advertised on the Cambridge University careers website, meaning the uni effectively advertised for tutors to look after its own students.
With a salary that works out at £100 an hour, the tutor also is expected to be nothing less than a shade off Superman:
The ad says: “The successful tutor must be a recent graduate from Cambridge with an excellent degree.” He or she should be a non-smoker, lead a physically active lifestyle, and be healthy and fit.
Unluckily for this guy, he studies computer science
They must also be engaging, have a good sense of humour and a sunny disposition, being an “excellent tutor and at the same time an inspiring mentor”.
The tutor will also be expected to help their tutee “experience all that the city has to offer” in terms of “the student traditions and culture”.
He or she is also allowed to stay in the en-suite guestroom of the client’s Cambridge pad, parking space provided.
Thankfully, the tutor can expect weekends off, “unless traveling with the student at that time” as “there may be the occasional week spent studying [at home]”. Full expenses will be paid for.
The jet-setting student’s post comes a couple of weeks after a wealthy businessman in his 30s offered £122,000 a year on Tutors International to get him into Oxford.
The tutor was expected to work from 8am to 11pm in Geneva, teach him perfect English, jazz piano, as well as appreciate opera and understand the works of Shakespeare.
Tutors International said that the businessman was “inundated” with responses, but they’ve yet to come in for the Cambridge student.