The things I’ll miss the most about Bristol
The last time I waded into the wavey and house music infused world of Bristol appreciation related articles – I was in my mere adolescent stage of Tab writing, armed […]
The last time I waded into the wavey and house music infused world of Bristol appreciation related articles – I was in my mere adolescent stage of Tab writing, armed only with a subtle sarcastic tone and a compulsory bias towards list based articles (because we all love a list based article).
Back then I was but a boy, now I am a boy with a possible degree. That is terrifying.
Thus, in celebration of my potential success and the fact that I am now leaving the safe bubble of university life and relocating to the, let’s face it, petrifying real world with its council tax, and its responsibility, and its expectation to form oneself as a useful and contributing member of the social and commercial machine. Unless of course, I do a masters.
But anyways, time for round two, and some more well intentioned joshing about certain traits of Bristol we can all relate to and have a good laugh about because, after all, what is funnier than saying “Hey remember that thing we all know? That’s a thing!”
Here are the things I will most miss about Bristol:
The people
Now nothing against other parts of the country, but everybody here is just lovely.
From the hipster shops, to the pleasant pubs, the people bothering you on the street, Bristol seems to attract a vibe of positivity and friendliness
I think it lies in the accent, something about hearing words in a west country accent makes me instantly want a cider.
Every time I hear someone say ‘INNIT SNUGH’ I feel at ease, the hustle and bustle of the city transforms into a simple village.
I have fond memories of those nights were someone would tell me:
‘S’getting dimpsey so you d’mind y’doan go vallin auver they ruckles on yer way cross mower.’
(I’m feeling tipsy. Do you mind giving me a lift home on your tractor?)
Plus, the accent always makes me feel like I am in Hot Fuzz, now I am aware most of the people in that film (SPOILERS) turned out to be killers but they didn’t get the best village for nothing.
The rich history
Before arriving at Bristol I had no idea of its history
Now leaving, I realise it was a pioneer slave port and a lot of the landmarks (Colston Hall) were named after slavers (Edward Colston), but hey, Banksy?
But in all seriousness Bristol is an exceptionally special and interesting place. While I could speak about various shipping histories, or Bristol’s famous hub of piracy, I am more inclined to highlight how essential this city is for modern music.
Bristol is right at the forefront of the Urban music scene – underground clubs, bars and concerts are on everynight, with not just DJs, but innovators.
Bristol occupies a huge role in the history of British music and I will miss being a part of this hot pot of musical ecstasy.
The Hills (seriously)
You see I love the hills in Bristol.
Yes, I hate walking up them after nights out or lectures or in the rain or in any conceivable scenario, (although they are useful for burning off hipster avocado based fast food) but to me, the hills really are what give Bristol its true beauty.
Nobody can dislike them once you stand at the top of St Michaels, near the life sciences building and just look down at the entire city, the lights glimmering in the night… brings a tear to my cynical eye.
It is obvious to anyone that Bristol is one of the most beautiful cities in the UK, hell pretty much every summer term I seem to end up at the White Lion every day just so I can get a look at the bridge and the gorge in the Sun.
The buildings as well, unaltered, scenic, clean, not like Milton Keynes, because fuck Milton Keynes.
The food and drink
Burger Joint, Taka Taka, Lido, Steak of the Art, Jason Donervan (oh wait, I’m not a fresher).
Needless to say Bristol has some of the finest establishments not just for taming one’s appetite, but for quenching one’s thirst. Nothing is better than sitting in the sun at places like the Apple and Cori Tap.
Not only are the prices supreme, but they get you beved pretty dam quick.
I’m saying goodbye to £1 half pints of world famous cider, and hello to the mediocre £18 double G&T’s of London clubs and it’s heartbreaking.
The Nightlife
It is no joke that Bristol’s nightlife is fabled around the UK.
As mentioned earlier Bristol is a hub for new music and its clubs and bars perfectly reflect this fact.
Leaving Bristol means leaving some of the best and most memorable nights, from Dancehall and reggae nights in Lakota, to deep house nights at motion.
All in all the Bristol vibe and positive atmosphere continues into its clubbing experience – in short some of the times you will have here will be unparalleled.
Not being a student
During my time in Bristol I have always acted like a stereotypical student – take a traffic cone, sit on those gorilla things, say ‘oh it’s the bloody townies’ on Saturday night.
But I realised something – soon, when I go home and am done with my degree, I am no longer a student.
I am the townie.
*Mind blown*
Not being a student means feeling strange going to student’s night, no free deals or cheeseburgers from McDonalds, and no reasonably priced cinema tickets.
Also it means skipping out on intellectual debate – an integral part of any student’s life
But worst of all is the crushing inescapable reality of the inevitability of time which slowly decimates us all physically and emotionally.
So see you later Bristol, it has been a good one buddy.