One of this year’s law exams was accidentally uploaded onto Blackboard yesterday

‘The biggest law scandal since Vietnam’

Blundering university staff accidentally uploaded this year’s Land Law exam to Blackboard last night, before anyone had taken it.

It is suspected that someone mistook this year’s exam for last year’s past paper and uploaded it onto Blackboard for all to see.

The colossal mistake which one Law student called “the biggest law scandal since Vietnam” occurred at 12:30pm yesterday. The exam was not taken off the site until 7:30 pm.

Land Law is a compulsory unit and 340 second-year students were expecting to take it this May.

An email was sent to all undergraduates preparing to take the exam. The email blames the cause on “an unfortunate error which led to a security breach.”

The email reads that a new paper is currently being drafted and will be put through “all the same quality control checks.”

Although it has been confirmed that the exam will still take place on the 26th of May, many students were angry that the blunder occurred.

One Law student who wished to remain anonymous said: “It’s incredibly frustrating that there’s been such a mistake so close to exams. I just hope the quality of the questions isn’t affected.”