SU removes wild Brookes Snowsports’ Union affiliation

They’ve been officially disbanded

Snowsports have been banned as an official Union society this year.

The society, notorious for their wild house parties and yearly ski trips has lost all backing from the Brookes Union, due to a “misunderstanding” at the end of year social last year.

We spoke exclusively to members of the committee about what this means for Brookes Snow and their hopes for the coming year.

Snowsports president Imogen Talbot said: “Everyone has been really supportive. I’m hoping that it won’t affect the society.”

One of the most popular societies

The President fears lack of funding could affect the race and freestyle teams entering expensive competitions. There is a silver lining for those hoping to join this year: the fees are going to remain the same as last year.

Long time member Oli Parker told us of his frustrations at the SU decision.

Oli said: “They’ve taken the second biggest society and stripped us of all our funding. Last year we had one of the most successful competitive years the uni has ever seen and our reward for months of hard work is a disbanded society.”

Competition is a big deal

Freestyle captain Alex Bruce added: “It’s unfair but the upside is we can be ourselves this year.”

Oli explained: “The society will carry on. We are a family aside from the sport. Brookes Snow is the best society and we all are in it for the same reasons. We’ll continue as an unofficial society and next year we’ll be back.

“I would never have given Krabbe a lap dance if it hadn’t of been for our ski trip.”


Alex says: “The ski trips will definitely not be affected” – good news for everyone hoping to spend some time skiing and joining the fun in the snow.

Proud to be part of the Union last year

The Union said : “We are dealing with a major issue from last year and until that is rectified we will not be affiliated with Brookes Snow. Having them back in the union is not in consideration right now, but the door is not closed.”

One thing’s for sure, the ban hasn’t dented the team spirit or confidence of the snowsport team.