How to do Black Friday, according to American students
Boxing Day sales are no more
The UK has cottoned on to America’s biggest shopping day of the year: Black Friday. The discounts kick-off the day after Thanksgiving and help shoppers sweep up the bargains before serious Christmas shopping really begins.
It’s a commercialised Americanism the UK has nothing to do with, but everybody loves a discount. Here’s how to do Black Friday properly, according to the American students.
Some stores only have discounts for certain hours in the day
It’s not all about getting there super early. Most shops will launch their discounts during the middle of the day. River Island’s deals will last from 12-2pm with discounts as high as 80 per cent off. That will certainly help stretch the student loan before our next instalment comes in.
Tesco will close earlier in the run up to the chaotic day, to allow more preparation time, so get your weekly shop done before Thursday. Last year, iPads and laptops had almost £100 knocked off the original price, so it might be worth a look.
Last year’s queue in New York
Have a game plan, and eye up what you want before
Black Friday is certainly not a day for moping around the isles, browsing each and every item. If you wan’t to get into the spirit of the day you’ll need to have your timings right and get those elbows ready to get through the crowds. Recent Psychology graduate Lana Nguyen, who lives in America, said: “When going Black Friday shopping you want to have a game plan before you even step foot in a store. Scoping out what you want beforehand will save you a lot of time. Get in and out of that warzone quickly.”
Wise words from Lana
Even Starbucks are offering freebies
ASOS will be knocking off up to 70 per cent off menswear so if you get to the site early, while procrastinating in the library, you can pick up clothing way cheaper than it normally would be sold. It really is the best time to start your Christmas shopping and stock up on stocking fillers.
Debenhams will have women’s shoes, hats, gloves and scarves which in these horrific temperatures, are exactly what we need. Also keeping us warm, Starbucks will be offering free drinks when you buy a Christmas Blend.
Only go shopping if you actually need something
Vanessa hopes the UK doesn’t get out of hand
The queues get out of hand and people have been known to lose their lives by being trampled on for the sake of a reduced designer handbag.
Only go shopping if there’s something you actually need and can’t afford without the discount. American Graduating Business Management Student, Vanessa Goldberg said: “I’ve never understood the hype myself and am personally against the whole concept. Thanksgiving is one of the few nationally-recognised holidays everyone spends together, now capitalism is so extreme people are being asked to give up time with their families only to be harassed and trampled by complete strangers looking to save a few bucks on items they probably wouldn’t have bought otherwise.
“I don’t think the UK will ever get on that level though, it doesn’t seem to be in the nature of Brits to line up for hours and fight complete strangers for a new TV. It seems a bit silly to have it here as Thanksgiving is an American holiday.”