No offence, we don’t really care about the student elections
Brookes’ Union is famously crap
Most of the students at Brookes simply don’t have direct contact with The Union, so why should we care? And if you want us to care, then the odd vintage-fair is not enough or yearly poster sale is not enough, sorry.
Thought experiment – what does the usual day-to-day routine of a Brookes student consist of? We wake up (hangover optional), we go to our lectures, we pretend to do work in the library, we give up, we go home to make coffee/Netflix/drink/work/drink and then we sleep.
No place I’d rather be
Now, out of the many things that aren’t included, I think we’d all rank the fucking Student Elections rather highly on the “I-don’t-give-as-single-rat’s-arse” scale. Simply, they will not affect us in any single way. Who is running for president anyway?
Don’t get me wrong, most of the candidates are standing for the things that most of us would get behind – issues of consent, housing help and improvements to The Union Bar, plus, they are the ones behind some fab societies.
It’s just The Union has been so absent for most our student lives (all two years of it) that we just don’t care about what you guys have to say about it. Furthermore, most of us are grown adults so we can deal with the issues ourselves, it’s just part of growing up. Building on this, even the most-ardent social-activist student finds you self-righteous far-lefties annoying. Nothing personal, you just irritate us to no end.
Realistically, ones experience with the union starts and ends with enrollment in first year. Which is sad, because we see all our friends from home raving about how good their union is.
So, to sum up: a student union should be exactly that – a union of students. Following from this, one would expect more students to fucking be aware of them. And its not particularly our fault – you did a crap job of making yourselves known. And this is incredibly unlikely to change with some new candidate, most of whom are simply doing so to play at politics, trying to mimic the actual politicians in Westminster. You know what? Get a grip. And you know what else? Brooke’s students are here to study, stop trying to make the union something its not – we don’t need it and let it die a natural death.