Oxford is the UK’s seventh kindest city

Apparently 18 – 24 year olds are the nicest

According to 4,000 people who took part in a Co-op survey, Oxford is one of the kindest cities in the UK.

The survey measured the average number of good deeds someone did which could be anything from rushing to the help of someone in need and giving up your seat on public transport.

Unsurprisingly London residents came in last commenting that helping people would “look weird.”

18 – 24 year olds were the nicest surveyed suggesting that students are upstanding members of society (give yourself a pat on the back).

And the study also found that despite hectic work schedules and busy social lives, we go out of our way to help each other.

Amanda Jennings, Director of marketing at the Co-op, said: “Showing kindness isn’t always about the big gestures but can be about the small everyday deeds that people do – from offering your seat on the bus to helping a neighbour by accepting their post or putting their bins out.”

Check out how your city ranks:

  1. Bristol
  2. Belfast
  3. Aberdeen
  4. Southampton
  5. Cardiff
  6. Bradford
  7. Oxford
  8. Manchester
  9. Coventry
  10. Norwich
  11. Sheffield
  12. Nottingham
  13. York
  14. Edinburgh
  15. Leeds
  16. Birmingham
  17. Liverpool
  18. Glasgow
  19. London

The study coincides with the Co-op’s nationwide hunt for “good eggs” this Easter.

As part of the campaign, the retailer set up a series of real-life scenarios on the streets of Britain where the public’s kindness was called upon, all filmed by hidden cameras.

Keep up the good work everyone.