Brookes BNOC of the year: Round three

They never miss a Fuzz

More nominees are waiting for your vote.  Who will you crown BNOC of the year?

Douglas Denholm, 1st Year, Real Estate 

Doug is all about the girls and will never be seen with anyone less than a 6/10.

Vinny ‘VK’ Jirapure, 2nd year, Computing

Vinny attended every Fuzz, every Kandy (RIP) and every Skint. If you went clubbing with him, he gets stopped every 2 minutes by someone he knows. With 3 VK’s in hand, he is regularly spotted in Clubbers of the Week. He also turns into a bird when he’s drunk.

Tom Gyngell, 1st yeat, Business and Management  

He’s the Social Sec for Rugby Union, enough said.

Jake Hall, 2nd year, Theology

He’s been to every Fuzzies since starting at Brookes. Jake will probably steal your man.

Laura Blakemore, 2nd year, City and Regional Planning

Laura is mostly known for being the friendly, short, Welsh girl. She will put a night out at MNB before a 2,500 word essay and has been known to be carried home from snowcials.

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