Brookes BNOC of the year: Round four
Did you make it onto the list?
Students in any year, studying any degree have been put forward by their friends (or themselves) to be the next Big Name on Campus.
Have your friends nominated you?
Darius Lisle-Pourzyaie, 1st year, Business and Film Studies
Everybody loves a little bit of Darius.
Jason Brade, 1st year, Business, Economics and Politics
Everyone knows jayjay_fitness, the Crescent Hall legend, because he has probably sold a ticket to every single fresher at Brookes. If he hasn’t sold you a ticket, you know him from the daily Snapchat story on everything he ate and his inspiration for his fans. A big question: has he ever worn a top in Fuzzies, or in Kebab Kid?
Harry Embleton, 3rd year, Real Estate
Harry is a resident at every single pub in Oxford. He’s the type to fall into a bin and shout ‘this is not a matter of choice’, 10 minutes later, whilst still being in the bin. Like most BNOC’s, he rarely misses a Fuzz. After being sick on the bouncers shoes, he still managed to get in.
Ben ‘Take me Out’ Hurdman, 2nd year, Sports Coaching and Physical Education
Ben is an absolute lad for making an appearance on Take Me Out, he’s a King of The Ring warrior and got into an altercation on tour when his nipples (Mona and Lisa) came out to play. This future celeb has also made an appearance on TOWIE and is one of the nicest guys we know.
Ed Hopkinson, 1st year, Real Estate Management
Ya, this one time at home ya, daddy wouldn’t give me an extra £1,000 on my weekly allowance so ya, I snapped his caviar spoon and spat on his Aston Martin, so ya.
Hope Ladham, 1st year, Business and French
She knows EVERYONE. Hope is by far the hottest fresher.
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