A Brookes third year is abseiling an 80 ft tower for charity
‘I’m a little scared of heights’
Rowland Daniel, a third year Brookes student, will be abseiling off St Mary Magdalen Church tower on Saturday 21st May to raise money for Oxfordshire Section Abuse and Rape Crisis Centre.
The charity provide services for women and girls who have been raped or have experienced other forms of sexual violence and abuse – whether as adults or children, recently or in the past.
Rowland, who studies Film and Drama, told us how he got involved and why he thinks it’s important:
“I saw on daily info that they were looking for volunteers, and since it’s the same day as the EGB, when the ball got cancelled, I knew I had to sign up.
“I believe in the cause of this charity, people don’t deserve bad things to happen to them, and so they should get help when they need it, especially the women and girls this charity provides for.”
The money that Rowland is raising and other donations help to keep the charity’s services free and can help lower the waiting list.
He’s raised £424 so far and is hoping to raise £450 by Saturday.
Rowland hasn’t been abseiling in four years and told us:
“I’m quite nervous but excited to try something crazy, it’s unlike anything I’ve ever done.
“I’m a little scared of heights too, but hopefully I’ll get over that, especially if loads of people are supporting and watching”.
This isn’t the first time Rowland has done something for charity, 6 years ago he climbed Mount Kilimanjaro for a Zimbabwean charity and 2 years ago he walked from Land’s End to John O’Groats in a straight line to raise money for Limbless War Veterans.
He hopes to continue raising money for charity too and told us: “It’s one of my passions and I would love to do more in the future time permitting”.
To prepare for abseiling down the tower which is 80 feet tall, Rowland has decided not to go out the night before and has also been watching Mission Impossible on YouTube.
There will be 20 people abseiling on Saturday between 10am and 4pm, and Rowland will be jumping at 3pm.
If you’d like to donate to this cause then just follow this link: https://www.justgiving.com/Rowland-Daniel.